Cricket at The Spring Partnership Trust Springs Further Forward!

Wednesday 13th March 2024

Last summer, we featured an article showcasing the fantastic work being done at The Spring Partnership Trust in Bromley.
With the support of our community team, who are responsible for delivering the Chance to Shine programme throughout the borough, and under the aegis of the Trust’s PE Lead, Miss Watson, competitive cricket had been adopted across their family of primary schools: Elmstead Wood, Hayes, St Mary Cray, Leesons and Midfield.

When Miss Watson said goodbye to the Trust at the end of the last academic year, her role was taken on by Mr. Gwilliam and he is already carrying the mantle into the new year with brilliant enthusiasm and commitment.

In addition to continuing The Spring Partnership Trust Cup, Mr. Gwilliam has introduced a new tournament for 2023-24 in the shape of The Spring Partnership Trust Rapid Fire Festival, a competition specifically for KS1 players and which follows Kent Cricket’s Rapid Fire format:

The beauty of Rapid Fire Cricket lies in its simplicity, making it perfect for children, particularly those in Key Stage One, to grasp basic movements and skills. The format encourages quick thinking, agility, and coordination, all essential for young players to develop their cricketing abilities.‘ Mr. Gwilliam, The Spring Partnership Trust

The day featured several round-robin matches between the Trust school teams and finished with a final and play-off games and, while the weather started misty and damp, by the time the first games were underway the sun had broken through, spirits were high and a lot of fun was being had.

Rapid Fire Cricket proved to be a massive hit among children from the Spring Partnership Trust, thanks to its simple format. The children were captivated by the fast-paced action, which kept them engaged and excited throughout the event. Kent Cricket’s organisation and support were instrumental in ensuring the smooth running of the event, allowing the children to fully immerse themselves in the experience.‘ Mr Gwilliam, The Spring Partnership Trust

The Kent Community team are actively supporting the adoption of this excellent format in Bromley and across the county as it’s a fantastic opportunity for younger players who otherwise may not get a chance to engage their developing skills and enthusiasm until they reach KS2.

Throughout Kent we’ve seen a continued demand for Rapid Fire in Key Stage 1, an age group that typically has less opportunities to attend events. Some schools refer to it as a competition, but we firmly present it as a festival. The purpose is to bring the Chance to Shine ‘Life Skills’ that we deliver to life, particularly Teamwork, Resilience and Decision Making.’ James Moss, Kent Cricket Community Senior Manager

Our thanks to Miss Watson, Mr Gwilliam and the staff and pupils the Spring Partnership Trust who are helping to shine a light on to what is possible and what can be achieved in pupil experience and outcomes through a well-planned and well-delivered commitment to Primary School cricket!

To find out more about primary-age cricket in Bromley, click here

If your school is outside of Bromley and you would like to find out more about Rapid Fire, contact Kent Community’s Primary School Lead here